(561) 968-1612
“I don’t know where I would be today without Stand Down. I was on dark path and lost everything that was important to me, including my family. Stand Down put life back into me and now I work everyday helping other veterans who are struggling like I did. ” -LaMar P., United States Marine Corps
Stand Up for Those Who Served
Helping Veterans and Their Families in Palm Beach County
1994-Stand Down was founded by two veterans, Roy Foster and Donald Reed with a vision to help their brothers in arms. They created Faith*Hope*Love*Charity, Inc. in order to serve veterans. FHLC, Inc. addresses the seen and unseen wounds of our veterans and military members.
2000-Stand Down House opened its doors to provide emergency/transitional housing and supportive services for male veterans struggling with addictions, mental illness, PTSD, traumatic brain injuries and physical limitation.
2009-FHLC, Inc. established the First Stop Veterans’ Resource Center, which serves as a hub for veterans’ services in Palm Beach County. This center provides prevention and early intervention for veterans and their families.
2010-First Stop Housing opened its doors to serve our homeless/at risk female veterans and families. These units filled to capacity quickly and we realized the growing need for further housing and funding needs.
2012-A major year for FHLC, Inc. brought us funding for two much-needed programs, At Ease and Forward March. At Ease program serves veterans and their families with a variety of needs from housing and childcare to financial assistance. Forward March works to reintegrate our veterans into the workforce at a livable wage.
2021-Stand Down has embarked on a new initiative to provide safe and affordable housing to our military heroes and their families who have given so much. The Village of Valor will be a place that honors them and provides on site resources. Our long-term plan is to end homelessness of our veterans and families in Palm Beach County. We will continue the fight until not one is left behind.
Annually: 10,000+ sheltered nights provided by
Stand Down House
Annually: 1,000+ veterans and their families assisted through the First Stop Veterans’ Resource Center