(561) 968-1612
“The success of Stand Down house can be easily measured by the stories of the veterans that have passed through its doors. Since 2000, Stand Down House has provided a safe haven and tools for veterans to recover and heal.”

I came here at the end of my road (homeless, sick, hungry). I started my drinking career pretty much right out of boot camp. I was amazed to find how openly recognized and normal drinking was. Once out, it was every day accompanied by cocaine use and a pretty bad opiate and benzo habit to boot I moved up to Philly to open a bar/restaurant and it went from bad to worse. Once I finally got fired, lost my house, my car and whatever dignity I had left, I thought I could move to Florida with my dad and he would make it all better. The VA told me about Stand Down and when I had nowhere else to go, I went to Stand Down. They helped me understand my problem(s). I found that at Stand Down I didn’t have to battle life alone. I got a new start on life. THANK GOD FOR STAND DOWN, YOU SAVED MY LIFE.
– Ross, U.S. Air Force (Qatar & Oman in the Middle East) 2000-2004
By the grace of God I was blessed with Stand Down House. My drug and alcohol addiction made my life unmanageable. I lost everything that I owned and what was dear to me, it seemed like it happened overnight. When I came to Stand Down House, I was angry, I still had the thought of using and was still denial. It has been a rough road to recovery. The staff helped me understand how my life because unmanageable over a period of 20 years. They provided a roof over my head, food, transportation to and from the VAMC where I attended group therapy, to AA/NA meetings, helped with getting me a job at the VAMC, CWT Compensated Work Therapy. They gave me enough tools to use in everyday life to remain sober. I can say Stand Down House saved my life and gave me hope that my life will get better. They also gave me an unbelievable amount of pride in myself. I want to thank Stand House and its staff from the bottom of my heart for the second chance in life.
– Al, U.S. Army Short Range Gunnery Crewman 1986-1988
In my opinion Stand Down should set the national standard for veterans in need. It doesn’t matter if you’re alcohol or drug dependent or suffer from PTSD. All veterans who find themselves homeless for problems they can’t solve on their own, deserve to have a program like this available to them. It is saved and continues to save my life. Stand Down is a safe, structured place tailor made for vets.
– Al, U.S. Army Short Range Gunnery Crewman 1986-1988
I, like a lot of veterans, ran head on with addiction an all of the problems that come with it. I used drugs and alcohol for 40 years. I had times of sobriety, forced by jobs or life itself. One day I found myself at the West Palm Beach VA and had lost hope and was totally spiritually depleted. At that point, I knew I had to stop that way of life. I had to change, or I was going to die. When I came to Stand Down, I didn’t know what to expect. I had nothing but an old van and a couple of guitars. From the moment I got to Stand Down I was welcomed by their veterans that were there and a caring staff. They clothed me, provided 3 meals a day, gave me a good, clean place to leave. They also provided on-site AA & NA along with a variety of classes to help live life on life’s terms. Stand Down has changed my life.
– Wilbur, U.S. Army 1970-1973

Our vision is to empower veterans to lead independent lives with respect and dignity; to be able to achieve housing and financial stability.