PALM SPRINGS, FLA – JULY 16, 2018 – Stand Down, an initiative of Faith Hope Love Charity, Inc. was recently awarded the grant renewal for the Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program.
This grant will provide the funding for Stand Down and its programs to continue providing veterans with employment-focused services, such as resume assistance and job training and placement. Services also include supportive services, such as housing, clothing and treatment. All of Stand Down’s efforts help veterans position themselves to successfully enter into and/or return to meaningful employment within the labor force.
This is the sixth year that Faith Hope Love Charity, Inc. has received this grant funded by the U.S. Department of Labor.
“We are beyond elated to be awarded this grant six years in a row,” says Casimiro H. Crockett, Ph.D., Deputy Director for Stand Down, “This will help numerous veterans have access to the help they need to gain stable employment and housing right here in Palm Beach County.”
Stand Down has five distinct service areas including First Stop Veterans’ Resource Center, a hub for veterans’ services in Palm Beach County, providing prevention and early intervention for veterans and their families. Stand Down House provides emergency and transitional housing and supportive services for male veterans struggling with addictions, mental illness, PTSD, traumatic brain injuries and physical limitations. At Ease offers veterans and their families a variety of needs from housing and childcare to financial assistance. Forward March reintegrates the veterans into the workforce at a livable wage through job training and placement. Village of Valor will be a safe affordable housing community for military heroes and their families in an environment that restores hope and provides veteran support services.
Village of Valor is an initiative that is scheduled to break ground late 2018 and is fully reliant on fund raising efforts. Village of Valor has raised over 28 million dollars to date and is just 3 million dollars away from the needed funds to break ground. “We will not rest until no veteran is left behind,” says Roy Foster, Co-Founder and Executive Director for Stand Down and Faith Hope Love Charity, Inc., “These veterans fought for our country and should not struggle with homelessness. We will do everything in our power to raise the money needed to help them overcome their challenges and live a fulfilled life in the very country they defended.”
About Stand Down
Stand Down is an initiative of Faith Hope Love Charity, Inc. and their mission is to reintegrate displaced and at-risk veterans and their families back into the communities to sustain independent living, restore their dignity and promoting community awareness. Their programs include First Stop Veterans’ Resource Center, the Stand Down House, At Ease, Forward March and their newest initiative Village of Valor. For more information or to make a donation, visit their website at or call (561) 968-1612.
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